Five nutritious sandwich fillings for children

Five nutritious sandwich fillings for children

Sandwiches... The likelihood is that you and your totsĀ tuck into themĀ multiple times a week. After all, they are a quick and convenient option for packed lunches, meals on-the-go, or even a quick meal when youā€™re short on time.

But are you stuck in a rut with the fillings in your sandwich rotation? Well, this Sandwich Week, Lucy Upton, our resident Childrenā€™s Dietitian, sharesĀ her favourite nutritious sandwich fillings to keep you inspired...

My top five nutritious sandwich fillings for children...

šŸ„• Hummus and grated apple or carrot - A perfect pairing of plants. Hummus is a fantastic source of fibre, healthy fats and iron- paired with Vitamin C-rich fruit or vegetables.

šŸ„Ŗ Tinned salmon and cream cheese - A child-friendly version of a sandwich favourite! Tinned salmon is so overlooked but a fantastic source of brain-boosting omega 3, calcium and paired with cream cheese itā€™s a match made in heaven. A great option for a higher energy option.

šŸ… Shredded chicken with pesto and tomato - Leftover chicken is a great source of protein and iron for kids, paired with pesto for flavour, colour and nutrients like fat and tomatoes for vitamin C and antioxidants.

Ā šŸ„™ Chickpea smash - Turn a can of humble chickpeas into a nutritious sandwich filling by mashing down and combining with yoghurt or mayonnaise and flavourings such as curry powder, mustard or garlic granules. A versatile plant-based option, packed with fibre!

šŸ„‘ Egg and avocado - A firm sandwich stable but instead of using mayo use some mashed avocado! An easy way to add in extra veggies, healthy fats and fibre!


Changing the ā€˜homeā€™ of your fillings is a great way to add variety to your childā€™s diet. Here are some of my favouritesā€¦

Wraps - White, whole meal, seeded and corn. Plenty of options for mixing lunch up.

Pitta breads -Ā The perfect pocket for any of the fillings above!

Bagels - So many options here to mix up lunchtimes, and great toasted.

Breads - Rolls, slices, and a chunk from a crusty loaf. Plenty of ways to offer variety.


Thanks Lucy, we're already looking forward to making sandwiches for lunch! And if you're looking for more foodie inspiration, Lucy shares her top five toast toppings and a list of tips on what to look out for when choosing bread for your children.Ā 

Love, Team Pots for Tots x

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