10 tips to support your weaning journey

10 tips to support your weaning journey

Weaning… It’s understandable to feel anxious approaching this next milestone in your baby's feeding journey. To suddenly go from only feeding your little one milk to slowly introducing solids, we know first-hand just how overwhelming it can be. Especially with all of the confusing guidelines, nutritional noise and well-meaning (but sometimes unhelpful) advice out there.

We want to help make mealtimes as easy and stress-free as possible for you, so scroll on for weaning advice from Lucy, our resident Children's Dietitian, and tips from our team of parents who have been there and done that (and got the food-stained t-shirt!)…


Here are five weaning tips from Lucy Upton, Pots for Tots’ resident Children’s Dietitian...

Are you ready?
Understandably, there is lots of focus on your baby being ready to start solids, but parent preparation is so helpful too. It’s natural to feel worried, unsure and unconfident!

Many parents find it helpful to read up on common worries such as gagging vs choking, complete a first aid course, explore different weaning methods, and even prepare some foods to freeze. These strategies can help cultivate the right ‘starting solids’ mindset.


Is your baby ready?
There is still a lot of misinformation online about understanding when your baby is ready for solids. Developmental readiness should be the main focus, which is why there is some variability in exact timings for when babies start weaning. Most babies develop these key developmental signs of readiness around 6 months of age. They include;

  1. Your baby should be able to sit upright for a short time unsupported and have good head control.
  2. Your baby should be able to see something e.g. a toy, pick it up and bring this to their mouth.
  3. Your baby’s tongue thrust reflex should have diminished e.g. they keep food in their mouth, not just push it out.

You can find more support and information on the weaning signs of readiness on the NHS website.



Focus on variety not volume
Weaning is a process of learning to eat and is a very complex skill. Many parents worry that their baby doesn’t take much for the first few weeks and months, but this is normal. In those first weeks and months of weaning aim to focus on offering lots of variety, colour, and foods from different food groups and don’t get too hung up on portions. Every baby is different!


Get the right highchair
Seating to support your baby and help keep them safe whilst learning to eat can often be overlooked. Pick a highchair with an adjustable footrest (this helps keep babies stable and feeling safe when eating). If you don’t believe us - try eating your next meal with your feet not touching the floor!


Remember the end goal is the same
Be reassured there isn’t one ‘best’ way to start solids with your baby - purees, finger foods or a mixture - the end goal is the same. For your baby to learn the skills and gain the experience they need to eat a wide range of different foods with you as a family.


And five more weaning tips from the Pots for Tots Team!

“Start slow and steady, and wean at YOUR pace. You don't need to go from zero to three meals a day immediately! I found it best to introduce my daughter Bluebelle to solids at lunchtime, as it was the calmest part of my day, meaning I was in the right mindset to offer her food” - Jazz

“Just because your baby pulls a face when they first try certain foods doesn't mean they don't like it. It just means it's a new taste - so keep exposing them to it. I made this mistake with a few veg and didn't give them to my girls again for ages as I thought they didn't like it!” - Verity

“Don't worry if it feels like your little one is really fussy to begin with and won't eat anything/will only eat purees, we found it so hard to get Margot to eat anything as a baby and now she's the most adventurous 5-year-old with food” - Katie

”It can be easy to fall into the comparison trap when others share their weaning journey on social media, but remember every baby is different and some may take to solids quicker than others!” - Jazz

“It's common to get well-meaning advice from your baby's grandparents, but try not to feel pressured into feeding your baby a certain way or feeding them certain foods - do what works and feels best for you” - Verity

And there you have it! Hopefully, we have eased some of your worries and concerns as you step into the wild world of weaning! If you're looking for more support, we have a post all about cooking homemade baby food without salt, and also ten tips on how to introduce cutlery to your baby.

Plus, make sure to follow us on Instagram for even more tips, advice and support! Love, Team Pots for Tots x


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